Thursday, January 29, 2009

Tons of droplets on a leaf! But DOF's too shallow. I went back to the park the next morning to try better pictures, but the leaves were all gone!

This flower is smaller than 1/4 inch in diameter. On a small flower, dews are smaller....!
There's one small Botanical Garden close to my daughter's school. She usually take a school bus but sometimes I drive her, and I stop by at the garden, well, it's more like just a park, but they put the signs with plant's and tree's names, both common and Latin, so it's very good to know the real names.
So, in the morning, I don't need special flowers or trees, just these Morning dews, droplets and drops....I could spent a few hours with them there!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Soccer game

This is a future Soccer player, a future olympic athelete! Way to Go, Boy!!
My best friend's younger daughter is doing Swimming, the older one Soccer. This pic is not her daughter but in her game I went to take pictures.

My first try of Soccer photos, second try of sports photos, I enjoyed a lot!

This picture, she just kicked the ball and my original photo has only the half of the ball in the frame!! I moved the ball and made up the missing right side of the ball in PS.

Saturday, January 17, 2009


This is a Mango tree, now in full bloom everywhere. What can I say, my friends in North has some 30 inch snow and minus 30~40 cold temperatures and we have these flowers in full...!
But it was cold today. Feels very chilly, down to 51 F (plus!) tonight. Wow, cold!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I made my LOGO out of this water plant from Everglades, because it looks like my inicial K, I did some PS works - clone out this and that, hand painted a different angle stems, change the BG color....I can use this small size like a stamp!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I finally got somebody to talk at Flamingo Garden this morning, he's the one in Animal clinic, and he told me a sad news. That woodpecker, as we figured, was a juvenile male, and had some spine injury, they found it through Xray. They tried hard to save him but he passed away......
When I took these photos on that day, he must have been in pain......I feel bad...and sad......

Saturday, January 3, 2009

We rescued a Woodpecker....

2)It was lete Saturday afternoon, so I couldn't reach any Animal Shelters run by county. All answering machins and some takes only cats and dogs.......then I remembered!
"Flamingo Garden..." where I often go to take pictures, the other half of their name is, " ...and Wildlife sanctuary" !! I called them on Sunday morning, their clinic would take him!! I drove there and gave him to professional hands. Get well, birdie!
1)I am not writing here as often as before, but it's been a year since I started this blog.
Not so many things happen everyday, even not small things.
But today, there's something special. We found a Red-bellied Woodpecker on the ground.
Three kids were trying to reach him in the bush just outside of my window, so I went out and help them. He couldn't fly and tried to hide in the bush and stuck in branches, when I finally picked him up with a soft towel, he didn't resist much. Legs look all right, wings look OK, too, but he couldn't fly......for the night, we kept him in the box and let's see if he would gain some strength to fly away. I tried some water from the straw, and he took some!!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

Happy New Year.....another year, again! I didn't go to the beach to take "New Sunrise" photos, those boats were standing just in front of the Sun last year, I remember. These pictures are taken Dec, 27, they are still there!!
New Years resolution? Well, nothing goes as planned these days, so I don't want to make any plans. Laugh and Smile more, for one. Get a good website to sell my photos, for two. I don't know. I don't feel very have a big dream, for three!