Monday, September 21, 2009


Skippers were around the Railroad Vine flowers. This one below, had a headjump into the honey!


I've been sick for a week, with a terrible pain in my throat, I lost my voice for 3 days and still have a hoarse voice. I can talk now but I can't sing....!!

Whole last week, I had to go to work with this scary voice and I got finally days off, yesterday and today!!

And I went to Ft. Lauderdale Beach this morning. The weather was strange. It was very sunny where I was, but I could see rainy clouds in a far distance. Very bright but also DARK in some way....


Ujiny said...

A shower when the sun is shining. say wife."KITSUNE NO YOMEILI"
Well, please cure a cold.

small things in my life said...

Thank you, I'm feeling better and better...